The Ahavas Yisroel mini-workshop is based on the principle that;
loving others is as natural as loving ourselves.
Once we learn to self identify as the spiritual and infinite beings that we are, we will achieve a self-esteem and love borne of our cosmic significance and purpose. The natural extension of this will result in a like sense of esteem and love for the rest of Klall Yisroel!
Welcome to a transformation that is positive, easy to understand and good for the world:)
Share the journey.
This workshop lives inside a vibrant community of growth oriented women. Let's join together to improve our ahavas Yisroel. Share your insights, questions and journey so that we can increase achdus and joy in our relationships and between Klall Yisroel and Hashem! Click HERE to join the private women's chabura inside eKehilla the place where busy yidden shteig!
This workshop is a free taste of the full Ahavas Yisroel Seminar that will be launching this summer BSD.
Your Instructor
Rabbi Efraim Stauber is an acclaimed lecturer and Torah educator who’s energetic and down-to-earth style thoroughly engages his audiences. Best known for transforming esoteric Torah ideals into practical and accessible achievements, his online classes and seminars have helped hundreds grow in topics such as emuna, relationships, Shabbos Kodesh and teshuva. Explore his classes at, designed for busy Yidden seeking a meaningful Judaism. He lives in Givat Ze'ev with his wife and children, and maintains a private counseling practice.
Course Curriculum
StartWhat you'll learn in this workshop.
StartLesson 1: Secret growth formula from Chazal. (3:23)
StartLesson 2: Our sinas chinam challenge. (1:57)
StartLesson 3: The root of ahavas Yisroel. (5:25)
StartLesson 4: Whole vs splintered consciousness. (2:49)
StartLesson 5: The cost/benefit analysis of ahavas yisroel and sinas chinam (5:18)
StartLesson 6: Re-introducing hisbonenus! (7:01)
StartLesson 7: Hisbonenus Preparation (3:23)
StartHisbonenus exercise!
Frequently Asked Questions
The Ahavas Yisrael project workshop that Rabbi Stauber has designed is delightful, deep and expansive. In just a few videos, the hisbonenus meditation exercise comes to life as a source of connection and simcha and discovery of truth that heals us of our natural inclinations that cause us or others damage. Only joy will result from taking this free series.
- Shuli Kleinman, Lakewood NJ
Ahavas Yisroel App!
After you enroll in the course (on your desktop computer) you can access the workshop materials anytime on your iPhone. Just download the Teachable app and log in. Wow, now your Ahavas Yisroel learning experience is convenient and sleek. 2020. Go figure!